
overproofing or overproving sourdough bread

Overproofing or Overproving?

When talking about sourdough bread, the term most commonly used is “overproofing.” Overproofing vs. Overproving: In summary, “overproofing” is the term you would typically use in the context of sourdough bread, especially in American English. Both terms are understood and technically correct, but your choice may depend on the regional preference of your audience.

salt in sourdough bread
Baking secrets, Basics

How Salt Influence Fermentation, Flavor, Dough Structure and Shelf Life

Salt plays several important roles in sourdough baking. It’s critical component for fermentation and flavor development. On a chemical level, all salt is primarily sodium chloride (NaCl)Both reducing and increasing its amount can significantly alter the bread’s taste, and finding the right balance is key to achieving a delicious loaf. It has a pivotal role […]

using dormant starter
Basics, Starter

Can I Use Starter Right Out Of The Fridge?The Difference Between Active and Not Active

A sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that contains wild yeasts and beneficial bacteria. These microorganisms are responsible for the fermentation process that gives sourdough bread its characteristic flavor and texture. The difference between an active sourdough starter and a not active one lies in their fermentation activity and ability to leaven […]